This page will provide you with information you need in preparation for your presentation at Leukemia Update 2022 on Friday, November 4th, 2022. Please review each section and if you have any questions please contact Andrea Barkley for guidance.
Key Dates & Deadlines
- October 17 to 28: Technical Orientation
- Friday, October 14th: Photo & Short Bio
- Friday, October 28th: Submit COI & Release Forms
- Wednesday, November 2nd: Polling Questions & Interactivity
- Wednesday, November 2nd: Submit Presentation
Digital Conference Platform
Leukemia Update will be delivered via a customized digital conference platform called Pheedloop. Your presentation will be webcast to this platform via ClickMeeting and your unique presenter link. On the day of the conference, you will be asked to enter the virtual meeting room 30 minutes prior to your start time to test your actual presentation and do one final technical check.
You will receive a unique presenter link to the webcasting platform a week before the conference via email and in the form of a calendar invitation.
Conference Platform Orientation & Technical Meeting
During this one-on-one meeting your Technical Director will review the conference platform and its functionality, explain the technical requirements and process for livestreaming your presentation, discuss the options and functionality for the interactivity requirement of your presentation, your broadcast equipment, and answer any questions you may have. Since we are conducting a technical test, we strongly recommend that you be in the same location from which you will be presenting, with the same computer/camera/microphone setup.
Presentation Specifications & Disclosure Requirements
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- A stable high-speed internet connection – it is recommended to use a wired ethernet connection rather than WiFi.
- A headset with built-in microphone
- Webcam
- Adequate lighting
ClickMeeting is a web-based webcasting tool. No download will be necessary.
If you are using PowerPoint, all presentation slides should be in 16:9 aspect (i.e. widescreen) and not 4:3 aspect (the old standard).
Note: the sample disclosure slides linked below are in 16:9.
As per accreditation requirements, you must begin your presentation with your Conflict of Interest Disclosure using the approved template (download here). Please note, you must also complete and return a conflict of interest Disclosure Form (see Administrative Requirements).
Following your disclosure slides, your session’s learning objectives should be listed so that the audience understands the aims of the session.
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It is a requirement for accreditation that all presentations include a minimum of 25 percent interactivity. This is typically achieved through Q&A or audience response (polling).
Details of how to implement interactivity will be reviewed at the Platform Orientation and Technical Rehearsal meeting.
The Q&A portion of your presentation will be facilitated by a moderator. More information about the integration of your Q&A will be discussed at your technical orientation.
Speakers are strongly encouraged to incorporate 1-5 audience response questions into their presentation. Questions can be in the form of multiple choice (max. of 5 possible answers). Polling questions should be placed into your presentation to assess impact or stimulate discussion. Note: the time required for these questions is part of the time allocated to your presentation and constitutes a part of the interactive learning requirements by the both Colleges. Two polling question options to consider are:
- Pre/Post Test: Create 1-5 multiple choice questions based on your presentation’s learning objectives. Place the same questions at both the very beginning and the very end of your presentation to test the audience’s knowledge before and after your session.
- Diagnosis: Intersperse your presentation with 2-3 cases for the audience to diagnose. Questions should be multiple choice (i.e. What is your diagnosis for a patient exhibiting the above?)
Please have a slide with your polling questions incorporated into your Power Point presentation.
Presentation Delivery Tips & Considerations
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- Silence any phones or ringers, close your door, alert co-workers, or family members that you can’t be disturbed
- Make ‘eye-contact’ whenever possible. Don’t read your presentation script off the screen!
- Be more expressive than you normally would in a traditional classroom (due to less nonverbal cues)
- Do a quick run through of interactive features the day before or morning of to make sure you have the latest version of the webcast tool (Click Meeting) and everything is running correctly
Administrative Requirements
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All Presenters, Moderators, and Planning Committee Members, are required to disclose any real or apparent conflict of interest that may have a direct bearing on the subject matter of the program. Please return the Disclosure Form to Andrea Barkley (andrea.barkley@utoronto.ca) no later than Monday October 26, 2020. For additional information see Conflict of Interest Disclosures.
University of Toronto Accreditation conditions require that all presenters/speakers must include a disclosure slide at the beginning of your presentation, stating all real or apparent conflict(s) of interest or lack thereof and verbally notify the audience. In the case of conflicts, a second slide explaining how the conflicts have been mitigated is also required. Please place your disclosure as the second slide immediately following the title of the presentation. Download the disclosure slide template.
A reminder that content for PowerPoint presentations, websites and printed materials should not contain copyright-protected work. However, if the materials are deemed essential, the application of Fair Dealing may apply. For further assistance in considering the application of the fair dealing exception in any given case, please consult the University’s Fair Dealing Guidelines.
If it is still unclear whether a particular use is likely to constitute fair dealing, please contact the Scholarly Communications and Copyright Librarian, at copyright@library.utoronto.ca for assistance.
A reminder that all presentations must comply with patient confidentiality agreements. Patient names should not be used, and images must not contain identifiable features (e.g., institutional location of scan, date of scan, patient date of birth, MRN, photography that shows facial or other identifiable features etc.).